Fully Configurable to suit your team
In pre-hospital treatment, during the transport of ventilated patients, in the emergency or trauma room, the ergonomic and simple operation of MEDUMAT Standard2 sets a new standard for therapeutic safety. This user-friendly perspective on emergency and transport ventilation is unmatched.
MEDUMAT Standard2 can be adjusted to any circumstances and users. In addition to IPPV, the device is equipped with the modes CPR (for cardiopulmonary resuscitation), RSI (for rapid sequence induction), Demand and CPAP (optionally with ASB). Users also can activate the optional volume-controlled modes SIMV, S-IPPV and inhalation and the pressure-controlled modes PCV, aPCV, BiLevel + ASB and PRVC + ASB, and a CO2 monitoring mode. All settings are based on current requirements such as the ERC Resuscitation Guidelines. Settings can be customised upon request.